Sunday, April 1, 2012

piercings on back dimples

piercings on back dimples

Dermal Piercing Pictures at
640 × 480 - 52k - jpg

Back Piercings
360 × 445 - 29k - jpg

Girls Wit Back Dimples …
500 × 547 - 137k - jpg

Lower Back Dimple Surface
374 × 720 - 54k - jpg

Back Dimple Dermals in
600 × 450 - 40k - jpg

My Back Dimple Piercing
620 × 368 - 26k - jpg

Back Dimples Piercing by Chris
500 × 333 - 67k - jpg

Cheek piercings are sometimes pierced with 1.6mm flat backed labret studs, a type of barbell jewelry. The flat back provides comfort and lessens the chance of the jewelry damaging the teeth and gums of the wearer. However it proves problematic during the healing process because The cheek will likely heal over the flat back if the bar's length is too short. In this case, the piercer will have to cut the barbell out from the inside of the mouth. The cheek is pierced with a 22 - 24 mm labret/barbell during the procedure. This will accommodate for swelling. After the piercing is healed, shortened jewelry further reduces the chance of damage to the teeth from unintentional biting. 16 - 18mm is too short to have in your cheeks if they are freshly pierced.

Ritual cheek piercings were and are common throughout the world in both primitive and modern cultures. Perhaps the most well known of these rituals is the annual vegetarian festivals in Phuket, Thailand where "mediums" (both lay people and monks) pierce their cheeks with an array of objects in varying sizes, while in an altered state.

pierced her back dimples!
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Back dimple microdermals.
500 × 375 - 87k - jpg

Lower Back Dimple Piercing via
500 × 333 - 73k - jpg

Dermals (Lower Back Dimples)
600 × 398 - 32k - jpg

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in my back dimples!! pic.
427 × 412 - 28k - jpg

#back piercing #back dimples
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Back Dimples in PIERCINGS
600 × 380 - 15k - jpg

Piercings Shown: back dimple
500 × 375 - 35k - jpg